Benefits of Digitalisation

Unmasking the Tech Effect: A Grounded Perspective on Technology’s Impact on Insurance


VIPR's Chief Marketing Officer Caroline Hanan gives a wise perspective on the hard market vs soft market


In today's world, technology has become the driving force behind most industry transformations, and insurance is no exception.

It plays a pivotal role in reshaping the insurance landscape by streamlining operations, enhancing end-to-end customer experience, and mitigating risks.

At VIPR, our main goal is to use modern technology to make underwriting, day-to-day operations, and following regulations easier and more efficient. This focus means we can significantly improve how claims are processed.

Let’s take a look at the Benefits of Digitalisation

Digitalisation is often seen as a ‘buzzword’ but it does offer a variety of benefits to insurers. Operational efficiency is significantly enhancing and advancing data analytics platforms to facilitate better decision-making and risk assessment.

In the current climate of a hardening global insurance market, cost reduction emerges as a top priority for executives. Digitalisation aids in lowering administrative and operational costs, thus contributing to overall business profitability.

The agility and innovation that digitalisation brings to the table cannot be overstated. Embracing change equips insurers with the ability to quickly adapt to market changes and seize emerging opportunities.

From the changing pace of the insurance market, managing integrations with legacy systems, resistance to change, complexity to Data Privacy and Security, take a look at the recent video interview with VIPRs Chief Marketing Officer - Caroline Hanan.


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