VIPR interview

Fostering loyalty and driving value


I’m looking forward to contributing to VIPR’s growth by ensuring our customers see us as a strategic partner, not just a service provider.

At VIPR, customer success is extremely important to us and is a key focus over the coming years as we grow our customer base. To strengthen our commitment to delivering exceptional value and fostering long-term relationships with our customers, we’re thrilled to welcome Chantal Dawson as our new Global Head of Customer Success. In this Q&A, Chantal shares her insights on building a successful customer success strategy, overcoming challenges, and her vision for the future at VIPR.

Q: Welcome to VIPR, Chantal! Can you tell us a bit about your professional journey and what led you to specialise in Customer Success?

Thank you! My professional journey has been quite dynamic and varied, but one thing that has remained constant is that customers have always been at the heart of everything I do. I actually started my career in a unique setting - serving drinks behind a local bar on match days when Manchester United were playing in the UK. That early experience gave me a strong set of skills in managing people and their demands.

From there, I moved into the banking sector, providing financial planning and mortgage advice. Later on, I transitioned into insurer relationship roles at two of the largest global brokers. These roles gave me a deep understanding of customer needs and business objectives. Over time, my passion for ensuring that customers derive ongoing value from the products and services they purchase led me to specialise in customer success. It’s a field where I can focus on building long-term relationships, driving customer outcomes, and fostering loyalty - all of which are incredibly rewarding.

Q: What excites you most about taking on the role of Global Head of Customer Success at VIPR and how do you see your experience contributing to the company’s growth?

I’m really excited about the opportunity here at VIPR. There’s so much potential to lead and shape our customer success strategy, particularly in the Delegated Authority (DA) space where VIPR is already a recognised leader. What excites me most is the chance to work with a dedicated and talented team. I believe that our collective expertise and innovative approach to technology will significantly strengthen our customer success efforts in the coming months and for years to come.

My focus will be on delivering exceptional value for our customers, which in turn will increase retention and turn satisfied customers into advocates. This advocacy is crucial - it’s how we can grow not just our customer base but our market leadership as well. I’m looking forward to contributing to VIPR’s growth by ensuring our customers see us as a strategic partner, not just a service provider.

Q: In your opinion, what are the key ingredients for building a successful customer success strategy, especially in the insurance technology space?

When it comes to building a successful customer success strategy, especially in the insurance technology space, there are a few key ingredients that I always focus on. First, proactive engagement is essential. We need to have meaningful interactions with our customers to truly understand their evolving needs and ensure they’re getting the maximum value from our solutions.

Data-driven insights are also crucial. By measuring success and understanding customer sentiment, we can be more proactive and personalised in our approach. This allows us to anticipate what our customers need and be ready with solutions that align with their goals.

Lastly, strong partnerships are vital. At VIPR, we’re not just a vendor - we’re partners in our customers' success. To make that partnership truly effective, we need strong cross-functional collaboration within our own teams. Customer success, sales, delivery, and support must work hand in hand to ensure that customer feedback is fully integrated into everything we do. This holistic approach is how we can continuously deliver exceptional value and foster lasting relationships.

Q: Can you share a memorable challenge you've faced in your career and how you overcame it?

One of the most significant challenges I’ve faced in my career was dealing with imposter syndrome, particularly when I transitioned from the insurance broking world into a technology-focused role. It was a completely new environment for me, and I often felt like I didn’t belong. Being surrounded by subject matter experts, I found myself doubting whether I had the knowledge or skills to make a meaningful contribution.

However, I soon realised that while I might not have been a technical expert, I brought something just as valuable to the table - strong customer relationship skills. I decided to lean into my strengths and focus on what I could bring to the team, rather than worrying about the areas where I wasn’t as experienced. This shift in mindset allowed me to overcome the imposter syndrome and grow into my role. It taught me the importance of recognising your own strengths and not being afraid to rely on the expertise of others when needed. That experience has been invaluable in shaping how I approach challenges and collaborate with teams.

Q: How do you approach building and maintaining strong relationships with customers, particularly in a global context?

Building and maintaining strong relationships with customers, whether on a global scale or locally, requires a thoughtful and consistent approach. For me, it starts with consistency - being reliable and consistent in our communication builds trust over time. But it’s not just about frequency; it’s also about cultural sensitivity and understanding. Having worked in various regions, including time spent living in India and traveling across the globe, I’ve learned how important it is to be aware of and respect cultural differences. These differences often influence communication styles, decision-making processes, and expectations, so it’s crucial to tailor our approach accordingly.

It’s easy to think that you need to have all the answers, but sometimes the most important thing you can do is be there, ready to listen and respond thoughtfully. Regular check-ins, providing updates, and ensuring we have local support in place are all part of how we maintain strong, trusting relationships. Whenever possible, I advocate for having customer success specialists in regional markets who understand the local context and can provide timely support.

Q: What’s your vision for the Customer Success team at VIPR, and how do you plan to enhance the customer experience and drive greater value for customers?

My vision for the Customer Success team at VIPR is to evolve into a strategic partner for our customers, not just a support function. Our role is to help them unlock the full potential of VIPR’s solutions, ensuring that they achieve their business goals and derive real value from our partnership.

To do this, we need to adopt a truly customer-centric approach. This means focusing on proactivity and data-driven strategies. By using insights gathered from our interactions with customers, we can identify areas for improvement and offer more targeted solutions that meet their specific needs. Cross-functional collaboration is crucial.

Q: On a more personal note, what do you enjoy doing outside of work? How do you balance the demands of a global role with your personal life?

Outside of work, I’m incredibly passionate about traveling and exploring new cultures. I love immersing myself in different environments because it broadens my perspective and, I believe, makes me more effective in my role at VIPR. When I’m not traveling, you can find me spending time in the Yorkshire Dales or with my loved ones, which is a top priority for me.

I’ve always believed that time is the greatest gift you can give - whether to your family, friends, colleagues, or customers. That’s why I’m a big advocate for being present and making the most of the time we have. Balancing a global role with personal life isn’t always easy, but for me, it’s all about time management. I live by my color-coded diary, which helps me stay organised and ensures that I can give my best both at work and in my personal life. Prioritising self-care is also essential; it keeps me energised and focused, so I can meet the demands of my role while still enjoying my personal time.

At VIPR, we’re excited to have Chantal Dawson on board as our Global Head of Customer Success. Her experience, vision, and passion for customer advocacy will undoubtedly help us continue to deliver exceptional value to our customers and drive further company growth.

Read the full Press Release HERE - VIPR appoints former Charles Taylor Director Chantal Dawson as Global Head of Customer Success

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