Female Leadership

VIPR’s Chief Marketing Officer Caroline Hanan champions female leadership at Target Markets Conference


At VIPR, we champion female talent and foster an environment where everyone can thrive.


In a momentous gathering at the recent Women's Leadership session at the Target Markets Annual Conference, VIPR's Chief Marketing Officer, Caroline Hanan, stood among 190 female leaders who are impacting the insurance industry.

Hosted in Scottsdale, Arizona, this event was more than a mere assembly; it was a dynamic testament to the burgeoning influence of women in a traditionally male-dominated field. The attendance of female professionals, constituting 15% of the conference delegates, signalled not just progress but also the distances yet to be traversed.

The conference, enriched by the presence of the renowned Barbara Bufkin, Senior Advisor from Amwins, dove deep into the heart of female leadership in insurance. The dialogue was robust, traversing themes from growth and talent retention to transparency, networking, and diversity. There was a palpable energy in the air as attendees explored how vulnerability could be harnessed as a strength in leadership and how it could forge deeper, more meaningful connections within teams.

Discussions also delved into the development of trust and purpose within workplace cultures, highlighting the importance of collaboration in achieving collective objectives. A novel viewpoint emerged, positioning male colleagues not as adversaries but as allies, vital in supporting and advocating for female talent within the industry. The conversations underscored the significance of humility, negotiation skills, and confidence as cornerstones of impactful leadership. The session illuminated the critical nature of adaptability, underscoring its significance for enduring success in one's career.

The power of collaboration and the art of relationship-building were celebrated, showing how these elements can lead to innovative solutions and open new pathways. Importantly, the session also spotlighted the tangible business benefits of female leadership. Research consistently shows that companies with diverse leadership teams, including women, often outshine their homogeneous counterparts. Women in leadership roles bring unique perspectives, augment decision-making processes, and create more inclusive and innovative work environments. This diversity transcends mere problem-solving; it leads to heightened employee satisfaction and superior financial performance.

In alignment with these revelations, VIPR's commitment to nurturing female talent in the insurance sector reflects a deep understanding of these dynamics. By fostering a culture of acceleration and growth, VIPR is dedicated to offering platforms for women to advance, lead, and be a source of inspiration not only within the industry but also among their peers and colleagues.

Caroline Hanan, reflecting on her experience at the conference, shared her personal insights, emphasising the importance of being a role model. "The session at Target Markets was more than just a gathering; it was a catalyst for change, a reminder of the progress made and the work still to be done. The journey to equal representation and empowerment in leadership roles, particularly in insurance, is ongoing, something I am extremely proud to be part of. At VIPR, we champion female talent and foster an environment where everyone can thrive. Having a daughter of my own working in the tech industry, it’s crucial to demonstrate and encourage a fearless approach to success. It's about urging female talent to ‘GO FOR IT’, not just in a professional capacity but in all aspects of life."

This session was a vivid illustration of the changing landscape in the insurance industry. It was a celebration of the strides taken and a poignant reminder of the journey ahead. The narratives shared and the wisdom imparted at the Women's Leadership session serve as a beacon for current and future generations of women in insurance. The event was a vivid reminder that the path to gender equality in leadership, especially in insurance, is being paved with determination, collaboration, and an unyielding spirit of progress. At VIPR, the mission continues to champion female talent, fostering an environment where diversity, inclusivity, and empowerment are not just goals but everyday realities.

Together, we are crafting a more diverse, inclusive, and successful future, celebrating the unique strengths and perspectives that women bring to the table. This is a journey of transformation, and at VIPR, we are committed to being at the forefront of this change, inspiring and empowering women to take the lead and make their mark.

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