
Navigating uncharted waters

Written by Admin | Apr 8, 2024 4:29:00 PM

The London weather was not on our side, but despite the rain on the morning, we had a full house for breakfast and a 2-hour session at the Acord offices in the heart of London.

It was a day marked for our collaborative community to join forces to ensure we can progress together the VIPR product suite. Our recent Customer Appreciation event wasn't just another meeting; it was a testament to what we can achieve together, with nearly 100% of our UK customer base in attendance.

The event kicked off with an opening and welcome by our CEO, Paul Templar. His message was clear: gratitude and excitement for the future. This wasn't just a speech; it was a heartfelt thank you to every partner, every customer, globally, who has journeyed with us. Paul's vision for our collective future set the tone for the morning, one of collaboration, innovation, and mutual success.

Following that, Tony Russell, our Chief Revenue Officer, took the stage. Tony's introduction wasn't merely a formality but a bridge connecting our past achievements with the future we're eager to build, together. He emphasised the importance of every customer, globally, in our ecosystem and how each feedback, each interaction has been pivotal in shaping our path forward.

We also shared insights that were both reflective and forward-looking, highlighted how our collaborations have evolved, always aiming to exceed customer expectations and adapt to the ever-changing market demands in delegated underwriting. This segment underscored the dynamic nature of partnerships and the continuous efforts to strengthen them, across the entire value chain.

David Butler, VIPRs Director of Client Services, highlighted the delivery lifecycle, offering a deep dive into the mechanics of our operation. David outlined not just the 'what' but the 'how' of our processes, illustrating our commitment to not just meeting but anticipating customer needs. It was a look behind the curtain, showing the meticulous planning and execution that ensure our solutions are not just relevant but also ahead of the curve.

Latha Horne, IT Operations Manager took the discussion from delivery to sustainable operation processes, updates, and best practices. Latha's presentation was a masterclass in operational excellence, emphasising the importance of not just delivering services but ensuring they are sustainable, efficient, and continually improving. This segment was a reminder of our commitment to excellence and the steps we take daily to uphold it.

One of the most anticipated segments was presented by Greg Denham, our Chief Information Officer, focusing on the enhancements of the VIPR Ecosystem and planned upgrades for 2024.

Greg's vision for our ecosystem is not just about technological advancement but about creating a more integrated, more responsive, and more innovative platform that serves our customers' evolving needs. The planned upgrades for 2024 promise to bring new levels of efficiency, insight, and connectivity to our users.

The event culminated in a Q&A and closing remarks by CEO Paul Templar, providing a platform for open dialogue, feedback, and direct engagement with our leadership. This was a powerful reminder of the day's core message: our journey is a shared one. Each question, each suggestion from our customers, is a valuable contribution to our roadmap, shaping the future of our products and services.

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